Thank you, such recommendations are encouraging!
I'm building a new system from the ground up.
Currently I have Focal Sopra 2 with Cambridge Audio NQ and W. Sounds good in my living room, but I need more bass and power to fill up the room. My living, kitchen and study area add up to 1,200 square feet of open space.
Did you end up trading in your Pass X250.8? You should audition the M-900u as monoblocks :)
I'm building a new system from the ground up.
Currently I have Focal Sopra 2 with Cambridge Audio NQ and W. Sounds good in my living room, but I need more bass and power to fill up the room. My living, kitchen and study area add up to 1,200 square feet of open space.
Did you end up trading in your Pass X250.8? You should audition the M-900u as monoblocks :)