Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
thoft. The new mid drivers are vey revealing and compelling, I’m just not sure the balance is quite right - at least on my system with the hours I have on them now. One good thing - I’m less worried about blowing them when I turn it up.
Makes me want to get into crossover engineering. I know thiel is working on the one series but I got this lil nagging in me to learn crossover engineering
What little I know about Adcom. In the day, Adcom may have out-sold everything else put together - solid entry into high value high performance. I knew Nelson Pass at the time and he designed a few of their mark I products. The updates and mark II versions were not designed by him. In his (paraphrased) words: "I would design a simple, clean, straight-forward unit, it would have its market life and then they (Adcom) would hand it off to someone else to pile on the parts." He said he had nothing to do with the GFA555mkII. It was designed by a well regarded French designer with considerably more complex circuitry and feedback schemes.

Fast forward: I contacted Jim Williams regarding upgrading my 555mkII. Jim rebuilds and upgrades professional studio gear out west, considered about the best it gets. He upgraded my Studio Technologies mic preamp that I got from Tom Jung. Jim picks only gear with solid upgrade potential into the big leagues. The improvement in the mic pre was stunning in every audiophile respect as well as textbook measurements. This is all to say that Jim told me he doesn't work on 555mkIIs - he doesn't really like them. BUT if I sent him an original 555, I would like what he sent back.

Two points: 1: don't assume a later amp in the line is the same. 2: If you stumble on a good deal on an original 555, snag it, for yourself or me. I would have it delivered to Jim Williams and eagerly await its arrival in my hotrod garage.
I’ve heard the 555’s I liked em but the 5800 i love right now. Great unit I think.