Very happy owner of a PL Prologue Classic integrated for close to 2 yrs now. It’s driving 42 yr old JBLs (L65s) and probably the perfect tube amp for me given my budget and disinclination to fiddle with adjustments. Previously, my L 65s were powered by a Pioneer SX-1250, a Denon PMA 700V integrated, and as fronts in an HT setup with a Sony ES series 5.1 receiver. Hands down, the Primaluna has given me the best sound quality of all these combinations. I did swap the stock EL 34 tubes for Gold Lion KT 77s this year which have suited my ears significantly better but even with the stock power tubes it’s been the best SQ I’ve experienced thru my speakers heretofore.
My guess on the “lack of love” thing is a mix of geo-political prejudices and the possible SQ improvements one might be able to eek out of a more tweak-friendly component.....sort of a “full racetrack modified Porsche vs a showroom Porsche” analogy here...