>>Musical to you may not be musical to me but there is no way with the system you have built around the Def4 you can get better results than I have with my Def2.<<
You're welcome to that opinion. If you have a Def2 system, it's going to be pretty good even with the gear you've chosen. I'll only say I'd rather have listened to my own Def2 system, and more so still with the further upgrade to Def4.
>>Moral of the story is one must build, from the wall out, with SOTA gear to hear the Def speakers at their best. Having so so gear on a Def4 will not make it sound better than a Def2 with Nano drivers that has from the wall out HE gear.<<
I suppose that's the "moral" to *your* story. Who agrees on what's state-of-the-art? And what's the correlation to cost? And then what's the correlation to convincing musial realism in domestic reproduction? For as long as I've been involved in this interest, I've found the three quite weakly correlated, no less so today. I'll say that over 90% of all sound represented as "high-end" to me has instead impressed me as musically and aurally dysfunctional. Have you heard Def4? I'm guessing not. There are *many* combinations of gear absolutists won't consider "SoTA" that with Def4 will produce greater musical realism than Def2 -- even with HO or nano drivers -- such are the advances in total system performance. This is the paradoz of Def4: it is more revealing, more transparent, more dynamic and yet even mediocre CDs and LPs sound better in every respect than on Def2. You only hear in contrast how much Def2 you hear with that speaker in a system, compared to the marked and further neutrality of Def4. I think you will grasp this when you eventually upgrade. Until then, you're selling conjecture.
Also, a prior post hasn't made it to daylight. I mention in it that it's been years since I've used an NAD M55. In any case I make all my serious judgments from analog.
Anyway, we disagree. I have my path; you have yours.