Dont forget the Dark Horse AGD PRODUCTION ... Class D certainly is in a higher level of performance than ever before. Many of the old issues with class D are gone. Something to realize is class D is the leading amplifier technology when compared to A and AB for HiFi.
Heres what makes AGD my top choice by a good amount when it comes to Class D. First off my personal opinion is Alberto Guerra is a better designer than Bruno Putzey. why ? well for one his products sound better to me. Next Alberto designs all the way down to the GaN device itself. Yes, that means not only does AGD not use someone elses class D module, it means AGD has thier own GaN device that is not available to anyone else. Why on earth ? because the GaN devices on the market that are most plentiful and best from a supply standpoint and least expensive to spec into your amp design are made to be used in battery rechargers. If you are lucky you get the milspec devices used for LIDAR in the military. The AGD output device is the first and only GanFet to be designed ground up for HiFi. So when we start with that , we start at the Pinnacle of GanFet and Class D design. Forget all the others this one is different and its clear to hear. These amps are made in USA. The "Baby" of the family is a monoblock called "Audion" can be held in an outstretched hand is made from Gorgeous custom milled aluminum with a mirror polish offered as an option. It has both RCA and XLR Inputs and WBT NextGen binding posts . Its output is 80W at 8 Ohms, but do not be deceived, it can deliver 32A of current . Thats right one reviewer powered Apogee Scintilla with this mighty mite. Why have you not heard of it ? Because it is a brand of attraction not a brand of promotion. The best brands in the world for anything are not on the fast track to push product. They steep in the market and people find out about them if they are the right buyer. Prime example Viola Labs. Most have never heard of it nor understand that it stems from the brand of HiFi considered by many to represent the most extreme example of sonic quality ever made in our industry, which was Cello, which came from the man Mark Levinson. Well AGD sounds better than Cello, Ive compared to Duet. My first buyers have been my S.E.T guys... the most hardcore of audiophiles. I have a return policy mind you and NOT ONE pair has come back. One of my guys in California has Berning 300B monos that are built to the hilt, Silver Would transformers and original Western Electric 300B tubes.. The tubes cost more then the pair of monos does. And AGD Took the cake. So I know that hearing is subjective , but if one of these amps is to be considered most innovative and most unique its the AGD for sure, hands down, no questions asked . Anyone want to challenge ? I am available to back my mouth up with proof in the form of shootout and recording . Do yourself a favor check out the AGD Audion , its only $7500 per pair and is 100% proprietary, sounds line no other, comes in a flght case with die cut internal foam and 2 5 foot audiophile power cables, no molded crap cord. The amp is guaranteed to overjoy you or your money back , no restock fees.