I haven't heard any one TT drive type make all others moot, in the way that SET + Zu has been transformative for me. And I know of no one who has directly compared everything credible. I have, btw, heard the Palmer but not comparatively. It's good. Whether, for instance, it's better than the Acoustic Solid Wood Reference which is also excellent, I can't say comparatively.
How people who have heard the Dobbins Beat would in direct comparison judge alternatives as different as the DD Brinkmann Oasis, the BD 47 Labs Koma and the EAR Disk Master with its no-contact drive system, would be interesting and, practically, anybody's guess. The difficulty of access for straight-up comparison points out the futility of seeking "best." In today's boutique world of TTs, you're buying flavors, not perfection. Have fun choosing!