CDP Upgrade

I'm thinking of upgrading my source and my wife has given me permission! I currently have the Rotel 1072, which is fine. I'd like to hear some suggestions regarding an upgrade and what I can expect by upgrading.

I'm considering the Cary 308T. But am open to suggestions.

Do consider a DAC as you may be able to get more great sound for your money that way.
Your Cary thought might be a good idea as Cary has recently come out with new models and thus the older ones can now be had for quite an attractive price.

i am hardly in the leages of some,went from rotel 971 to quad 99cdp,to sim equinox,sim does represent to my ears a real upgrade.i am constantly looking,as previous newmanoc said their is a danger to this.know what your really looking for,so many choices are the main obstacle imho!
For $2500, be sure you hear the Arcam FMJ CD 33 or 36. This is my personal favorite in the price range.
I'm looking for that analog-like, digititus free sound. But without the hassles of vinyl. Warm and smooth, glare free with silent backrounds and no sibilance. That's why I'm thinking of the Cary players, tube output stages should eliminate these issues, I'm told.

I listen to modern and classic rock, but most of my listening is to jazz.