Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Keithr, do the Sophia's still use the 206 driver tube? Are the amps tube rectified or you have an opinion on the differences between the two? Having a difficult time finding up to date info on the Sophia's. Thanks!
Agear wrote:
do you think reinserting a tube pre-amp would ameliorate some of what you are missing, particularly lower midrange density? I know you have already done that experiment, but...

Well...I was fully in your camp on this issue several years ago. My friend and I listened extensively with and without a good PRE in the system with both my Audio Aero Capitole CD player and his Resolution Audio Opus with Ref mod from Steve Huntley at GNSC. At that time, even with the SS Rowland Capri pre, we both preferred the sound WITH a pre in the chain.

With the Berkeley, using an Atma-Sphere MP1 MkIII pre with V-caps and caddock resistor package, we both preferred the Berkeley direct. What's more, anyone who has lived with an MP1 MkIII will attest that it is incredibly transparent, musical, bold, neutral with the exception of a slight emphasis in the lower midrange, yet we both preferred it direct.

Agear wrote:
I know many feel that the Metric Halo and Berkeley dacs are too "digital" sounding and converted to tubed products like the Lampizator.

I could understand how one might come to that conclusion, particularly if they use some of the "ultra resolution" type speakers/equipment that masquerade as "neutral", but sound leached of body to me. I don't find either the Berkeley or the LIO-8 remotely "digital" sounding, but the LIO-8 was more "real" sounding to me. I happen to agree with Barry Diament that the use of a switching PS is not a disqualifier for top performance. Every design is greater than - or lesser than - a sum of it's parts. BJ (Metric Halo) knows his stuff and I judge this solely on the quality of sound it delivers. Trust me...I have a little vanity in me and if the LIO-8 wasn't outstanding, I'd have irresistible desires to find a more "high-end looking" source. It is butt-ugly, but it sounds wonderful!
Keithr, you mentioned Sophia's "latest chassis". Have they changed the "form factor" from wider and shallow to narrower and deeper? Thanks!
germanboxers, the speakers definitely influence the final result. I agree. Acidic detail machines would not work with your paradigm.
The Sophia 845 current chassis are 206-driven and tube rectified. I don't think they offer the 6sn7-driven version (at much lower cost) anymore.

When both versions were offered, the gulf between the 6sn7 and 206 versions was very wide. The 6sn7 version of the Sophia 845 was a fine amp but not exceptional. The 206 driven circuit is much more energetic and toneful. Like most amps that are tube rectified, the tube rectifier is a real point of tunability, with substantial effects on dynamic performance, macro/micro dynamic perceptions, tone density and degree of slam.
