Has anyone heard the SAT XD1

As a Swede I was a bit proud years ago that we had a very good Swedish made turntable, the Forsell Air Reference. They don't make them anymore but you can find some used ones on different sites.

Now we seem to have a new Swedish made turntable again! 
The SAT (Swedish Audio Technology) XD1 
I don't even have a table but I am happy. Too bad it is priced out of range for almost all of us. On the other hand Fremer seems to think it is one of the best tables in the world right now. Very high praises. I hope I can hear it some day at some audio show, even though I personally probably won't hear much difference from other high end turntables.



@noromance Pricing to the stratosphere is connected to pursuing the state of the art...how??
Residing at the upper echelons of the industry?? Only to those who believe price equates to ability...IMO.
No need to deal with too many annoying humans?--well if you aren’t in business at all...you don’t have to deal with anyone, LOL.Hmm...

Fremer mentioned that the table equates in price to a brand new Lamborghini Huracan! Look at the Lamborghini and look at the SAT table, not a good thing to do, IMO. ( one of my good a’phile fiends described it like this...in simple words..."comical"). I 100% agree with him....plus, I would go as far as to state additionally that it is an insult to one’s intelligence. IMHO.
Pricing to the stratosphere is connected to pursuing the state of the art...how??
Striving for high performance often costs money.
Cleeds, striving for high performance always costs money, but there is money and then there is money...so how much is too much??
I'm with lewm on this, to me...there is a principal involved here. Simple as that.
@lewm I just wondered if someone had heard or seen it. Or even just heard about it.

But the discussion about if there should be hifi components prices so high the "are in the ether!" is interesting. I personally like that someone out there is pushing the boundaries of what can be done. That it costs much is more of a side effect. Of course I hope they make cheaper things later with trickle-down tech, or that other brands get inspired and creates almost as good but much cheaper components.
@headphonedreams  IMO, the question is not whether someone should be pushing the boundaries of what can be done, but whether the result should be connected to some kind of value proposition. Or, whether it is simply acceptable to place the result in front of the consumer with what would, on the face of it, appear to be a simple money grab. That is entirely my point when it comes to the principle aspect.