Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Bill Feil (the proprietor of Audiofeil) was very helpful when I bought my first pair of Zu Defs. However, you need to call him in advance. Good Luck.
Ghostinthemachine, I'm based in the UK, so my advice is to email Sean Casey at Zu direct. He is a stand up guy, always prompt and super enthusiastic with replies to enquiries.
For my part I have run Def2s since 2008, and have just paid deposit to get Def4s construction up and running.
I would urge you to find a way to audition the Def4s, the Zu sound is just such an involving way to enjoy your music.
Ghostinthemachine - please contact with regard to auditioning Zu.
KeithR, have you experimented with 6SN7's in the Sophia's to eliminate the slight midrange glare? How are they sounding with the Def's?
