Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Thanks so much Bufford. That is a good read on 6Moons and I do think that the Radian tweeter will be worth the wait for me. Zu is doing a very good job of investing in new technology and then quickly trickling down that technology into the lower end models for us on tighter budgets! I bet the new Druids will be a huge success.
From what I gather on comments here, The Radian supertweeter is sweeter and more extended than the rather rough and ready unit in previous Definition models (like my 2s). I'm really hoping it's going to integrate well with the FRDs and ease my current lack of high frequency satisfaction.
Definition Mk IV's are in the house!! First listen (without a minute of burnin) showed great potential; however, they have a tightness that is not natural (burnin issue I assume?).

I had been doing a great deal of listening to my previous Mk1.9's lately as I tried several different amps (more on that later) so the differences between the speakers are REALLY obvious to me. Inner detail, microdynamics, macrodynamics, and top-to-bottom coherency are all improved upon in dramatic fashion compared to the 1.9's. The top treble, even in this unplayed state is more open and expansive.

I will say the sound quality is changing rapidly in the first few hours of play...not really better, however. Seems bass has gone AWOL (receded in level relative to rest of frequencies), the sound is punchier (they were punchy from the beginning so this is not necessarily "better"). All told, my impression is that these speakers need hours of play before they start revealing all that great inner detail and micro/macro dynamics in a natural way, rather than a punchy way. Anybody else notice this during the early hours of play? How long before they "relax" a bit?

I have them playing music at a moderate volume level and will continue to play them throughout the day and weekend straight. Does anyone have an informed opinion on whether playing the Purist Audio Burnin CD for extended periods will help hasten the burnin?
Hi Germanboxers, any further comments on the 4s if they're opening up? Interesting that my 2s took about a fortnight before they gave of their best, your 4s seem to be taking a little longer. Hoping to have mine ready by early summer, will comment in due course. Regards to all
Hi everyone, Def 4s on track to be delivered to me in July/Aug. 213cobra and all others who've bedded in their 4s, how are they checking out after a few months of listening?