Yes, I’ve seen the pricing, and I have no issue with it.I'm with @dover on this, I think the price is high but I might buy it if I could afford to.
If I could afford it and it was the best, based on my own in home audition, I’d buy it.
It interesting to speculate what is an acceptable price for pushing the boundaries of what is possible with hifi and sound quality. If they employ one person or a few people and had to spend around 2 years to create this tt (a guess) and possibly buy expensive machinery to do it it may very well cost a few hundred thousand dollars to make it. And if they then only expects to sell a few the price must be high.
I really wish they could make it much less expensive but I can't really say that I don't want them to sell it at the price they have if that is what they think is needed.
As for the money grab comments, I still doubt they will be very rich from this and if you read the Stereophile review Fremer seems to think this is one of the best turntables in the world. That might make it worth the high price for those who can afford it.