HELP advise PLEASE - Focal Sopra 2 Speakers - I want a tube amp but " Min 2.6ohm @ 104Hz "

HELP PLEASE advise bought a pair of Focal Sopra 2 Speakers that I absolutely love.

I want to use an integrated tube amp with them but the measurements worry me even though many Sopra owners say they happily use tubes with these speakers.  


  From HiFi News September 2015, lists Minimum impedance is around 2.6 ohms at 104Hz. Combined
with high impedance phase angles at low frequencies this results in a minimum EPDR (equivalent peak dissipation
resistance) of 1.1ohm at 85Hz – challenging to the partnering amplifier.

Can I used an integrated tube amp and hope for success? 


From HiFi News September 2015, minimum impedance is around 2.6 ohms at 104Hz. So the amplifier should be capable of approximately doubling its 8 ohm output power into at least 4 ohms and preferably again into 2 ohms.
Min 2.6ohm @ 104Hz. Focal claims 91dB sensitivity for the Sopra No 2 but our measured pink noise figure of 88.2dB falls almost 3dB short of this. Low impedance is a factor in achieving this figure: Focal specifies a minimum impedance of 3.1ohm (which would indicate a 4ohm nominal rating rather than the specified 8ohm) but we measured a dip to 2.6ohm at 104Hz. Combined with high impedance phase angles at low frequencies this
results in a minimum EPDR (equivalent peak dissipation resistance) of 1.1ohm at 85Hz – challenging to the partnering amplifier. The forward frequency response [Graph 1, below], measured on the tweeter axis, is essentially flat in trend with just a mild presence band dip.


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Been thinking about SS and tube preamp. I wasn’t but a few of you guys mentioned the idea and it has started to stick with me. I want the Linear power and control from SS but now need that tubes sound. The hybrid integrated I’m now borrowing is so good it’s tough. Wish I could afford it but I can’t. What do you think of GamuT D-200 MKIII and a Alnic L4000 combo. The transformer coupled output on the Alnic provide nice lower output impedance and Gamut is a little tuby on its own so was thinking good match for Focal Sopra 2? Think this would be better then a hybrid like a Mac 352?
Checkout Convergent Audio Technology (CAT) or ARC for tubes driving a tough load.

VAC has 2 ohm tap ... found one VAC 200IQ had trouble driving Wilson Sabrina so probably need 2 running in Mono.

You can get the flavor ot tubes with an Hybrid  which then has a high current sold state output stage

We have the suberb unison research unico 150 a fantastic italian made tube Hybrid with 180 watts on top you Will have no problens driving your speakers

Dave and troy
Audio intellect Nj
Unison research dealers
I have listened to these exact speakers driven by MC275s bridged mono with a C22 preamp.  If anything, the bass might have been a little flabby but the overall presentation was just incredible.  I am not sure about Mc's hybrids and how they will work with it.  

In the end, no tube amp is going to give you the control over bass that SS is going to give you.  There are certainly some SS brands that can sound more tubish though.  

I know the Sopras and they like warmish, SS amplification.  Obviously they pair well with Naim and that is Naim's signature sound profile.  You can't go wrong with a Naim product paired with them.  

Pass is not inexpensive but it will do a lovely job.  I would take a look at their integrated amps as they will provide the sound profile you are looking for.  

If you are looking for a hybrid, I would encourage you to look at AVM.  Warmish sound profile with an ECC83 input stage and a MOSFET output stage in the flagship Ovation A 8.3.  It is $15,995 and has a ton of features, Bluetooth, DAC, Headphone, Amp, etc... that you may not need. 

At a more modest price of $6495, the Evolution A 5.2 is a hybrid Class D with the same tube input stage.  This is modular and you can add a DAC and phono stage cards.  I have customers driving Martin Logans and Magico A3s with this integrated.  It is very revealing and is a strong value given Class D.  Check out Gary Beard's review in Positive Feedback.  

I am an AVM dealer, I have no relationship with McIntosh, Naim, or Pass.