Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Yeah those 250.8 are not cheap even used. I have been trying to score the 3.6 or maybe 3.7 so definitely aligned with you on that. 
Funny but just started researching DAC’s this morning and also streaming maybe Roon or Innuous. I have a fairly substantial collection of CD’s and vinyl but Tidal is pretty sweet, currently streaming from an Astell and Kern AK120 II portable.
For the price of the 250.8 could likely almost do all....appreciated.

also on the piano part of this thread
Rachmaninov Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Vladimir Ashkenazy London Decca
JM - I'll chip in with a personal anecdote. When the Classe DR6 /DR9 setup was new, Thiel used it in demos with a pair of bridged DR9s. I still have and use those amps. The Classe replaced Threshold 800s. Thiel outgrew the Classe sonically and went to Mark Levinson and then Krell, with Bryston in the mix for our lower cost products. Although we didn't use Pass officially, Jim and Nelson held mutual respect and Nelson used some Thiels as development test loads. I have not heard the 250.8, but would expect it to considerably outclass the Classe.
All that said, I am still amazed by how much more improvement can be attained by solving room issues. In fact, many or most of my niggles with amps, cables and recordings have evaporated after running down and fixing room issues with FuzzMeasure and trial and error.  
thanks for the historical info. Great stuff to pun intended ha

I don’t have much too trouble with my CS2’s in my 13x22 room, they are along the long wall about 8’ apart and my listening position about at the equilateral triangle point. Room is well deadened with panels and the CS2’s throw a remarkable very wide and accurate stage. I am struggling a bit more with the Magi 3.7’s, as I think they want even more space...still working on that although they sound very good especially those sweet mid and highs...well what highs my slightly older ears can hear of the highs anyway...
I still think the Thiel’s may have an edge with the right recordings and, quite likely, as a result of the placement challenges you mention but it is close. I am a bit concerned if I go to the 3.6’s they may suffer due to the room situation so also considering one of the later 2 series as I think I will always have to have a pair of Thiel’s  available for me...ha...good listening