Takman Rey Metal Resistors

They sure ain't <<El Rey>> for nothing.
You can take your amps/preamps to your tech geek, tell him you want Takman Rey Metal.
I just placed a pair in my Jadis DPL, man O man.
WOW factor HIGH.
Musica like you ain't never heard it before.
You can read the topic over at DIY.
Raichard is going to swap out all jadis NOS res for Takman REY over the next 2 months.
1 pair at a time he says.

Every time Richard adds new Takman; Rey replacing Jadis stock metal oxide res , the sound opens up with more nuances/details not heard previously...., He changes 4 out at a time, We have 4 more to go + another  4 which he says are in <<power supply>> and will not makea dif,,I plan to have power supply also changed to Rey’s, I’ll test out his opinion that power res have zero influence in sonic voicing.
Takman Rey’s are truly king of resistors.
The composite is
nickle, chromium, aluminum
They completely blow out the water Jadis’ stock resistots,,
If you are a owner of any Jadis units,,I strongly suggest you get rid of Jadis’ stock res(as good as they are, Takman’s easily outperforms) and go Rey’s.

The Jadis DPL is now 100% upgraded to Takman Rey Metal Resistors. 
I can attest to the superior resolution vs Jadis stock metal oxide, though very good in terms of quiet musical, neutral, It is my opinion Takman deliver a  superior musical image. Though some may argue  more <<forward> vs Jadis stock metail oxide.
Richard is taking on replacing  most (90%+) of the Defy's res with Takman Rey (and a  lone pair of Takman Rex/carbon, as the Rey's did not offer 18k), 
This upgrade should be completed sometime in 2 weeks. 
Will upload a  YT vid and post when completed.
Its like 52 Rey's + Richard will install some 5 watt plate res , can not rdcall brand. 
Its a  bit of a gamble, once in, can't go back