Turntable? Arm or cartridge?

All other things being equal where do you place the hierarchy in the vinyl replay chain for highest performance. Yes I know they are all important but there comes a point no where budgets are prioritised. This is just banter so I look forward to your views.
Turntable is #1 IMO. After you have that ‘base’, arms and carts can come and go and make an improvement, or not. But, you cannot put just any arm and cart on any turntable and reap the same benefits.
Tonearm, then drive unit, then cartridge. Although it would be a most strange combination, I would put a Reed 3P arm, Merrill Gem Dandy Polytable turntable, and a Denon 103R up against anything at the same price. 
This is just banter so I look forward to your views

Banter, eh? Motor, platter, arm and bearing are all vastly overrated. Its all cartridge. Spin the record on a pencil with one hand hold the cart in the other and see. 
Dear @lohanimal : As you said it along other gentlemans all is important.

Now, taking in count that in reality today and almost ever does not exist truly bad TTs or tonearms ( other than unipivots that I don’t like it. ) I think that in any audio system what makes more differences for the good or bad are both transducers: speakers and cartridges.

But here things are that the transducer/cartridge is at the same time ( other than the LP it self. ) the source that pick-up the recorded information, as better the quality performance of the cartridge as better the overall room/system sound reproduction quality levels.

Yes, that cartridge quality levels could be improved with a better tonearm or better tonearm internal wire and could be improved in many ways but this is not the main issue in this tread. Only an opinion.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,