Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Although I have neither seen nor heard the Dominance, it is twice the footprint, 25% taller, and 250% the volume of the Def 4s. Not insignificant for real-world applications.
>>...twice the footprint, 25% taller, and 250% the volume of the Def 4s. Not insignificant for real-world applications.<<

When Zu says Definition offers the maximum loudspeaker performance available in about 1 square-foot of floor space regardless of price, I think they are right and that footprint happens to be practical even for many customers at least in the US who don't have extravagent digs. You really must have an extraordinary commitment to domestic high-fidelity music reproduction to go further in a loudspeaker. But of course in a pursuit like this, there's a lot of elasticity to where any two individuals would place the boundary demarcating the threshold of "extraordinary commitment." In a market sense, is Dominance worth its size and price? Yes, but only a relative handful of people will think so.

I briefly (very briefly!) flirted with the idea of Dominance before my upgrade to Def 4s. However, Dominance was too visually imposing, the size was simply unacceptable, and I am not that committed to "domestic high fidelity music reproduction." Conversely, the Def 4s look right, are properly sized for a normal living environment, have a look and finish that are excellent and perfect for my decor, and I am more than satisfied with the sound. Plus there is this black and white photograph that I covet . . .
Gsm- I totally agree about the Dominance looking (and apparently in reality) super imposing. Seems like a speaker for a dedicated room compared to your Arch Digest styled room.

That said, several of us in SoCal have discussed the would be bigger than the Def, but not as imposing as the Dominance. Although it's 19" deep, so still quite a bit larger. I personally don't think I would move beyond that---I would be in a Magico at any higher price point, which I believe is the best xover-based speaker on the planet by quite a large margin.
My Def 4s sit only a couple of inches from the back wall - closer to the back wall than my previous Def 2s that were out about a foot. (Zu positioned both pairs without my input.) Given a 12" square footprint and a near wall position, Def 4s are as room-friendly as I could want.