Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Hi Gopher, actually one of the big selling points of the Def2s when I bought them in 2007 was their coherence at low levels. This I believe is a big function of the high sensitivity and lack of crossover so less energy sucked out of the presentation.
In a major way this was a pivotal reason to buy them, to be able to enjoy my music more intimately between 10pm and midnight.
It's a shame if you haven't had this in your experience.
Phil, can you inform us about low level listening, thank you.

As I wrote in a much earlier post, compared to Def1.5, Def2 had a little less snap, in exchange for which it delivered a more relaxed presentation than the excitable MDF cabinet in the v1 speaker. First the HO drivers from 2010 and now the nano drivers even further restore the snap of v1 without reintroducing the cabinet talk and glare. One of the by products is more apparent aliveness at low volumes. With nano drivers, this is elevated further by the greater definition, agility and resolution intrinsic to the nano across its range. My move to Def4 improved low volume listening over Def2, but I can also say that upgrading to the older HO drivers in Def2 had similar benefits on Defs I heard so equipped. The nano drivers in your Def2 will help your late night listening at low SPL.

Phil, that's great news. Mine arrive in late Sep after their review period, and I'm really looking fwd to a major last piece of the jigsaw for my final system revision falling into place.
In other words, tt/cd/amps all pretty much where I want them to be, lingering HF extension reservations re Defs being put right by 4s, so not looking to update beyond these.
Just looking at system wide issues ie better balanced power/room nodes attenuation/cabling/vibration control.
Your comments Phil are really filling me with confidence I will totally relax into my music when they arrive.
REALLY need to get off the upgrade merry-go-round after this purchase!
Hi Guys,
Just a quick update.....I hosted Sean on his trip to San Francisco last week the night before I left town on vacation (where I am now). I spontaneously called him last week after reading this thread and he told me that not only was he visiting SF but he would deliver a pair for me and that was an offer I could not refuse considering the in home trial and all of your feedback......So, Thursday Sean delivered and set up a new pair of Def mk iii's in a textured Matte Black finish (FYI gorgeous), so I not had about two hours of listening before my flight as Sean arrived very late at night.....
First impressions were......Stunning! They are a major upgrade over the Omen Defs I had which had the HO Drivers, the Mundorf Caps, and the Event wiring.......I thought that the Defs would be a 5% improvement or so over the Omen Defs but boy was I wrong......they are Killer! The new drivers make everything just better. If anyone is on the fence, you better order a pair of the mk iii's while you still can!
The major problem I had with the Omen Defs was the high frequencies which I thought was related to the tweeter. However with the same tweeter in the Def iii's, this problem is completely gone and everything sounds better. I think it must be that the improvement is from the new Nano Drivers.....detail, top end air, staging, imaging, etc. are all world class........I'm quite happy I came back to Zu and all of you waiting, Gopher included, are in for more than a few smiles!