Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
JA - thanks for the B&W lead. I haven't heard a B&W since 1995. They certainly have advanced the state of the art.

In Thiel history, B&W was a significant player. Being an imported product, they were at a pricing disadvantage, and having such luxurious designs and presentation, they appealed to upmarket customers. Thiel's niche was to surprise the more frugal customer with how much sonic goodness could be gotten from Thiel at a fraction of the price.

But B&W certainly deserves kudos for what it produces.
Anyone using Coda amps with Thiel speakers ?I'm looking at the new Coda 16.0 and 41.0 stereo for CS 3.7s.Would the 16.0 be the best match for 3.7s with up to 100w in class A  and very high current.
Class A vs monster class AB with the 41.0 that is the question.
@thieliste, I’ll hazard a guess that the 16’s 100 Watts Class A output halves with each halving of impedance (assuming it can hold up below 4 Ohms) below 8 Ohms. And that happens as the CS 3.7’s sensitivity is dropping as proportionately with impedance. Interesting that the 40 though not quite a double down monster still has a respectable 2 Ohms rating, but the 16 does not.

CODA 16.0 Stereo Amplifier - Destination HiFi
Coda 40.0 Stereo Amplifier - Destination HiFi