Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Anyone, genuinely interested in some of the parameters/considerations, possibly governing the faithful propagation of our signals/voltages, as regards cabling and components, should study the following.      Having no formal (or other, it seems) education in Physics; the typical Naysayer Doctrine adherents, will undoubtedly offer their ubiquitous, Newtonian (1800’s Electrical Theory), ceremonial whines, for your Communion and salvation.               It’s common knowledge, to anyone with a background in the Physics of dielectrics, that the better a dielectric (ie: Teflon, polypropylene, etc), the longer it takes to polarize, with smaller signals/voltages.      and:                  Even the Wiki-scientists are more knowledgeable, regarding modern Electrical Theory (not to mention QED), than the Naysayers.
"Marcomarmo",- said;
"There isn't any physical process that causes any modifications to the marcroscopic or microscopic structure of a cable during what you call 'burn-in' ".

That would be incorrect. 
   And the, "physical processes" involved, never cease.
Imagine yourself sitting for a long period. Not moving. 
Ten feet away no one looking may "see", you move. But you are moving.
You breathe. And the air you breath? It moves too. A truck passes outside billowing smoke. Some time later you smell that smoke. You cough.
And now anyone even 100 feet away, could see you move. 
And the reflected wave of light right now allowing you to peruse this forum? 
Like everything else? It cannot stop it's movement. 
Slower than molasses the "light wave", "Physically" moves. Reactive, proactive and subjectively moving according to the rules. And changing, always evolving. And at some point it shall discorporate from being that "wave".  But It's sum of different parts still exists. And is even still roughly in the same location.
And the "power", in your cable is made up of the exact same articles as the light-wave. Maybe arranged just a little differently, at a level "intangible", to us. And still  with the exact same parts. 
 You cannot, "See" magnetic polarities. But you can "feel" them when strong enough, against your own polarity.
You also cannot see the tree that fell in the forest. But it is still on the ground. 

+1 for "Shunyata Research"! Power and also USB cabling which I secured from them are very good. I personally, have never noticed "much" as far as "Burn-in" with power cables. Maybe that's me, maybe my gear. I DO notice with certain cabling the effects of "Cryo-Treatment" more than "Burn-in" though. I've been doing that myself at times for over forty years. "I started with my guitar strings and hand-wound, (pick-ups), actually". (Circa 1977).
After hearing "Eddie V.H.", loved the way it changed his sound..
"R.I.P." Eddie........

If using different power cables yields no audible effects. Why do the makers of most high-end gear provide IEC receptacles to provide the opportunity to change power cords at any time?
I am pretty certain that the person who wrote this has no formal education, physics , engineering or otherwise related but is obviously making a failed attempt to insult those that do.

    Having no formal (or other, it seems) education in Physics; the typical Naysayer Doctrine adherents, will undoubtedly offer their ubiquitous, Newtonian (1800’s Electrical Theory), ceremonial whines, for your Communion and salvation.