Vienna acoustic morzart

I just picked up a pair of Vienna Acoustic Mozart for a relatively low price. Sub $500. I hooked it up to my mac ma6900 but it just don’t sound good. No upper end or it just distorted however the bass is there. Anyone out there have the same setup that could comment or should I just suck it up and pick up a pair of sonus faber Cremona M? Thx
I had a set and reversed the tweeter connections inside the speaker and viola! The highs were there now! I had read to do this on an audio thread.  
I've got a pair of the Mozart Grands that I got cheap at Best Buy when they dropped the line back in 2010.  They are finicky.  In my experience they can be very enjoyable but they can also be terrible.  They do very deep bass for their size but the tradeoff is that the quality of that deep bass isn't very good.  They are very room and placement sensitive.  I liked them best pretty nearfield because the small drivers don't have enough punch to sound natural from a distance.  

I've never had a Mac but my understanding is that they tend to be voiced similarly to the Viennas with rolled off highs and maybe somewhat softened bass.  I'd guess the combination would be too rolled off and too soft in the bass even for people who tend to prefer that sound.  
McIntosh does not have rolled off highs, what you are stating is a fallacy.  If you had heard a Mac you wouldn’t have made that statement. 
@stereo5, I've heard macs a few times I think but I never spent real time with them.  I'm just going by what many others say about the mac sound.
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