Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I'd love to audition the Coda 16.0 with it's 07x preamp but very difficult to find a dealer anywhere near me.This combo could be a good alternative to the Diablo 300 for me.Problem is that the Coda combo is not cheap and the Diablo 300 can be had used for 7.5k that's very difficult to beat.

I have a CODA dealer 100km from me (so very close). They also said they allow home demos of their gear. I may have a listen once COVID is taken down. The thing that intrigues me on the #16 over the #8 is not the Class A, it is the SNR of 130 vs 118.

The Luxman m900u (12 watt Class A), which I thought was amazing with TAD gear, has similar specs to the #8 (18 watt Class A). The #8 is supposed to sound like the m900u but at 1/3 the cost.

Why not get the Diablo, if you decide that you do not like it you can easily sell it since it is so highly regarded.
@yyzsantabarbara  Yes the Diablo 300 is very easy to resale and i'm very familiar with the Gryphon house sound.But since i'm not in a hurry i can still investigate on the Coda pre-power.Please report back when you will have auditioned the 16.0.I would have to travel to southern Italy to audition Coda amps, that's too long of a drive for me so i will have to fly there when possible.
New here. Perhaps the least interesting question ever... I just acquired CS 3.7s after having them inspected by Rob at Coherent Source Service. They arrived truck freight, and frankly not being as young and strong as I once was, I struggled to get them up the front steps and into the house. The boxes are large and heavy. So, what is the best method for unboxing a set of Thiel CS 3.7s? I suppose that one would open the bottom panels, set the box with the speaker upright, and lift the box up and off, but I have not done this since I got 3.6es in 1994 or so. I think there is a box within a box and some other packing in there. Forgot how I did it then... Thanks for helping with something so mundane.   
@yabe1951 That is the correct way to unbox them. I helped pack my 3.7s from the previous owner and also unpack them at home.

Even though the speakers are not really that heavy for speakers I recommend you get some help to carry them some distance. I had to take them up stairs and then back down and up again. A real pain, It is easy to press on the COAX drivers if yo are not careful. When I removed the COAX drivers (they were messed up) it became so much easier to carry them up and down the stairs. When you carry these speakers by yourself, your hand naturally gravitates to the area where the COAX reside.