Tekton Electron SE

I had a pair of Tekton Double Impacts that I sold when I moved to a smaller home. After a year of evaluating various smaller speakers I decided to go back to Tekton but with the more compact Electron SE. In my room these speakers work perfectly. The bass on these smaller speakers is unbelievably deep and tight. I miss none of the punch from the bigger Double Impacts. On mine's I used a single Beryllium tweeter on the middle of the array. The tops on these are very extended and crisp clear more so than the DBs. The imaging and sweet-spot is electrostatic-like with excellent ability to present the faintest details in a recording. In my appreciation other than the ability to convey a "bigger" bass the Electrons have a more refined sound and the bass in my room is more than sufficient with a tighter presntation than that of the DB's. Feel free to send questions if you have any.
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I don't get all the hate for Tekton here. Ive had mine for three weeks now and I am thrilled with them. After hearing mine my neighbor is picking up a set. I mean they are great sounding speakers. Best ever,probably  not. Amazing for the price, for me yeah. 2k all in and could not be more excited. I listened to all kinds of speakers. Tektons did it for me and let's be honest part of it was the look. Love that tweeter array. Im also not a 30 yr audiophile. This is my first higher end setup. Explain to me how they are bad speakers and I wasted my money. 

Let the dude enjoy his Tektons. 
@charleshoopI run my Perfect Set 2-10 with an Outlaw rr2160. I plan to run Schiit vidar in monoblocks in the future. Just getting started! :)
Congratulations with the ElectronSE. I too had a pair of Double Impacts (upgrade version and with grills and spikes) - they were outstanding.
I also have GoldenEar Triton 3+, and Martin Logan e-stats, but the nail in the coffin for the DI's was the set of LXmini's I DIY'd just over a year ago. Side-by-side, LXmini's sound like you're there, and all the rest sound like 'speakers' next to them. LXmini's are a hassle (DIY, DSP crossover and multiple amp channels) and need subs (prefer stereo pair) to match bass of DI's. I did use the DI's as a benchmark to change the voicing of the LXmini's to better match the upper extension before I sold them.

The DI's are advertised as 'ultra-linear' freq. response, specifically ±1dB 70 - 20kHz, and ±3dB 20 - 30kHz. But I don't find the ±1dB freq. response of the ElectronSE, just ±3dB 20 - 30kHz, which leaves one to assume they aren't  ±1dB 70 - 20kHz.

The ElectronsSE's interest me, as part of a great 'budget' solution (which I think of occasionally to reboot/downsize my 2-ch system). Thinking a simple economical option could be NAD M10 or M33 and the ElectronSE's. No fuss, great-sounding, unobtrusive system with Dirac room correction - add phono as necessary. Another good solution would be Spatial M3 Saphires for open-baffle goodness - if one had the space to put them out in the room (same issue as LX521.4).

That's what I'd do if I weren't chasing down the rabbit hole of omnidirectional, cardioid response, infinite transmission line, DSP crossovers, multi-channel DACs, multi-channel amps, and open-baffle subs.

ElectronSE's are on my short list, and (w/exception of GoldenEar), are the only 'box' speakers in my budget range that I'd consider.
Good choice - enjoy!
The root of the lack of trust in some ’reviews’ on forums stems from the way marketing now works on the internet. It is now accepted that most reviews for many products on Amazon are not genuine. Trip Advisor is similarly affected. The British Consumer Association called "Which?" (a non-profit organisation) has proved this and is running a campaign to try to force the affected companies to address it. With Amazon, reviewers are recruited from eBay and Facebook and paid or supplied with goods in return for positive reviews (this is not alleged, but a known fact as FB and eBay try and close down the recruiting companies activities). 

Often when you buy from a small independent direct-sales company, or small retailer, or stay perhaps at an independent hotel, you might hear a request to ’please give us a good review on xxxx’. This is marketing in 2020. This has happened to me once in in Hi-Fi where the value of a personal review on a Hi-Fi forum or in a Hi-Fi FB group is high. It is the best form of marketing and free. It was for a new board for a Naim amp that an independent servicing company had developed and just launched. Does the review get rewarded? That would be a strong allegation and I have no proof of that. But when you see the same brand gather many similar reviews on a forum it does, like on Amazon when you see 3000 reviews for something as trivial as say an Ethernet cable, it does raise suspicions.

I don't get all the hate for Tekton here. Ive had mine for three weeks now and I am thrilled with them. After hearing mine my neighbor is picking up a set. I mean they are great sounding speakers. Best ever,probably not. Amazing for the price, for me yeah. 2k all in and could not be more excited. I listened to all kinds of speakers. Tektons did it for me and let's be honest part of it was the look. Love that tweeter array. Im also not a 30 yr audiophile. This is my first higher end setup. Explain to me how they are bad speakers and I wasted my money.

Let the dude enjoy his Tektons.

Hard for haters to do anything but hate. Don't help none they can't read neither. Look at the one above, got not one thing right, couldn't comprehend a thing to save his life. Pages and pages, went on for weeks, still after all this time does not understand a single word. Not. One. Word. Pathetic.

Mine are sounding better than ever. Forget exactly my original review. It went something like this: 😁😁❤️❤️😍😍😍😍💕💕🔈🔈🔈🔈🔈😍❤️😍🔈🔊🔊😁😁❤️😍😍💕💕💕💕 Mega triggering haters everywhere😂😁😂😁😂