Power strips- too many choices

Out of necessity I need to use a power distributer/ strip.  I am impressed with how many options there are and how varied the reviews of the strips are; even some discussing degradation of the sound.   It seems surge protection would be valuable but cant figure out the other features.  Trying to decide between, Isotek vs Gigawatt vs PS audio.
Don't want to spend too much as there are other cabling needs pending. Further complicating the purchase; I have 7 cords and  at least per the Isotek website it seems that its best to use only one outlet lest resulting in "noise" from the outlier.  ( but isn't the idea of the strip to clean up that "noise") Any suggestions would be appreciated.
The Furman Pst-8, the non digital version, is a great straight forward device that just plain works well. It’s also cheap, not cheaply made. I use one as my second strip, for extra peripherals etc...my main strip is an Audioquest Niagara 1200.
I'm very satisfied with a PS Audio power strip (Dectet?). Quiet, good surge protection and PS Audio will give you full price towards it if you upgrade in the future. Others are correct about surge protection. Most stuff gets fried by the surge when they turn the power back on after a blackout. I had a Panamax give up it's life to save my ARC amp and preamp under just those conditions. 
I second the selection of the "Furman PST-8 Digital Power Station."
Shop around on the internet for your best price, you should be able to find a new one for a lot less than $150.
I live where we loose power about once a year due to downed trees during a storm.  When I see the wind is going to be significant I throw the stereo 20 amp breaker in the main panel.  If in fact the power does go out
then I throw a whole lot of breakers to prevent the surge from hammering appliances.  I use a PS Audio Stellar Powerplant 3 which is good for a continuous 300 watts.  Only source components are powered by it.  Amps are plugged directly into the wall.  The source components draw just under 100 watts.  And somewhat surprisingly to me that doesn't vary with volume, I did think that the tube pre would vary a bit with volume.  
Plus one for Audence.  I have an AR6 and other than the led going out, I have no complaints.

All the best.