Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Phil et al, can you pass an opinion on this? I'm sitting 12' from my Def4s with them 8' apart and 4' from the front wall. I've absolutely LOVED them playing cd, but have struggled a bit otoh playing lp's, to the point of distraction that no amount of altering tracking weight/speed stability/vta/phono loading has made any difference. Up until now I've had the 4s at the same layout to my 2s ie gentle toe in with line of drivers intersecting slightly behind me.
But in sheer desperation I've ended up toeing them in SEVERELY ie intersection of drivers at least 4' in FRONT of me. WOW! WHAT a difference! On analogue replay, focus has really tightened, dynamic snap has returned, and unbelievably now that I'm seeing a good proportion of the outside wall of each speaker, there appears to be minimal diminishing of soundstage spread. I am really suprised that such an extreme layout would work so well, and be needed for me to hear of their best.
So, are all of you other 4s owners settling on such extreme toe in? And why would this be so necc for analogue replay when cd replay was quite happy with more normal toe in?
I am one happy bunny, but holding off on final ok re playing lps until I experiment a little further.
All opinions welcome.
First off, congratulations on your new Def 4's. I'm sure you'll get them dialed in.
I finally got mine dialed in after many weeks and many hours of tweaking, moving them around, rolling tubes and a new amp. These took a lot of work to get right!
My final positioning is 12' apart with only 5-6 degree toe in, 1' off the rear wall and I'm sitting 12' back from the speakers. Sounds glorious! Vinyl, CD or anything I feed it.
I will mention that when Sean was here (back when I had my Def 3's) I had my speakers about 8' apart, and the first thing he said was "spread them out more". I did, and he was right.
Curious, do you listen to CD's and then vinyl in the same listening session? When I did this, vinyl never sounded as good as CD. And vice versa as well. Now I have all vinyl or all digital listening session.
Sean set up my Def 4s. They are on the long wall, about 11-12 feet apart, angled in about 30 degrees, and within only a couple of inches from the back wall. One of my goals was to optimize off-axis listening, maximize the way that the speakers project the music, etc. - since I do not have a center listening position.
Hi Markpao, you certainly haven't understated the situation when it comes to the need for constant tweaking of the 4s to get them to sound of their best! I'm back to less toe in, but 8' apart is as far as I'm likely to get.
One big difference which has helped, is to drop the Low Pass Filter setting on the sub bass from factory preset 60 to 40 (initially I had turned it up to 90), and volume to maximum. This has reduced absolute quantity of bass but seems to have improved it's overall clarity and extension. In my room this seems to be working now the sub bass only really comes in at the gentle roll off point from the FRDs.
I'm a little confused by the PEQ Gain, PEQ Frequency and Phase sub controls. In my room at any rate I can't discern any change to sound quality with any variation in these settings.
On the Zu vs Coincident questions... I own a pair of Zu Essences. I have not heard the Coincidents, but my guess is that the Coincidents will throw a deeper soundstage, front to back, while the Zu's will be a bit quicker on the attack. I am guessing that the coincidents, with their narrow baffle MTM, have great midrange dispersion. The Zu's have a wide soundstage but it is not remarkably deep. I can't vouch for tonal differences, but I can say that the Zu's are stunningly sweet and detailed with the right equipment.