The problem with Magicos

Magicos are very expensive, solidly built and heavy however there is one problem which the speaker engineers didnt think of when it came to designing the speakers. The woofers in a Magico generate sound from both the front and the back. The problem is that the sound from the back is obviously contained inside that big solid enclosure and after it has reflected around the box, it becomes NOISE. So now you have generated NOISE inside the box which has to be dealt with. The only way to get rid of that nasty noise is to cut a hole using a drill into the back of the cabinet. The hole will need to be big enough to vent the noise. The noise will then need to be vented somewhere far away from the listening environment as you dont want to be hearing that while the music is playing. 

The reason Magico speakers are not universally liked is because they are NOISY. They have a lot of distortion coming out of them because all that box noise comes straight out the front of the midwoofers along with the music unbeknown to the listener. Some listeners will not tolerate this while others may not even realize its there because their ears aren't very good. Hence Magicos, have their fair share of detractors.

All the best and do not be cheated.
If noise is musical it should be on the recording. Noise should not be added to every recording by the speaker. That is WRONG.

Magico speakers are supposed to be noiseless designs. That is why they use heavy strong boxes. But as I've pointed out, there are many sources of noise and if you dont eliminate them all, you will still be left with some noise. The fact that they have made an omission is therefore not intentional, it is unforgivable given the cost of these things. 
So many kinds of noise.
On the internet, no one can hear you scream.

I do like the idea of a series so we can focus on the faults of each specific brand one at a time.
I equally support trepanation. It’s a great way to let the demons out. 
   There's a simple remedy here. Take a large hole saw and drill a large hole in the back of each speaker. Then, install a flange like the size you would use to vent a clothes dryer. Then, use a long length of flexible duct hose and feed it to either an annoying neighbors yard or to that squirrel haven that's been stealing seeds from your bird feeder. Then contact Magico and offer to sell your patented design to them for a modest price. I bet they will eat that up.
   Why buy speakers at a large price that don't sound good from the start?

Let us pray......

Why not try to experimentally validate Kenjit’s idea instead of dismissing it out of hand. After reading the above I was curious, so went ahead and took a two inch diameter hole saw and cut an opening into the back of my left Magico A3 speaker. As it turns out the left speaker is producing considerably less noise. There is no sound coming out of it at all. That does validate his theory.

Kenjit is simply judged too harshly here. 
Kenjit You have never heard magico speakers. Obviously. Why pretend that you have and that they are bad? Desperate for any form of attention?