Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"


"There is no pandemic, because there are no excess deaths."

Since when does the definiton of pandemic require excess deaths?
" The fact of the matter is this China virus is not even as deadly as Swine flu "
Data reported:

Swine Flu - The number of lab-confirmed deaths reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) was18,449, though the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic is estimated to have actually caused about 284,000 (range from 150,000 to 575,000) deaths.

Worldwide COVID "attributed "deaths to date 1.6 million.

Why would anyone use mortality tables for following current events?

@cd318 +1
@millercarbon +1

This pandemic will kill more people with the attempted restraints than the actual virus. Just wait.

It already is doing.

Patients suffering with various long term life threatening conditions are unable to get the treatment they sorely need.

Patients with cancer, with heart disease, with dangerous levels of diabetes vastly outnumber those with life threatening Covid.

In fact, I doubt whether has Covid alone has killed anyone in previously good health. 

It's nearly always those unfortunates who have underlying health conditions, isn't it?

There's a reason why the average age of a Covid death is over 80 years of age.

Families are being pushed into increasingly terrible poverty worldwide. Millions of them. How are poor people in India and Africa being helped by the lockdowns? 

Businesses have been hit hard by the totally unecessary and ineffective lockdowns. A huge number have closed and many more will not survive. 

The rising levels of stress caused by unecessary medua fuelled fear and worry will no doubt have further unfortunate effects upon the physical and mental well-being of millions of people worldwide.

Meanwhile the rich and wealthy can continue to preach and pay lip service to the rest, whilst happily and hypocritically ignoring their own words themselves.

Sweden (China and Russia too) with its unwillingness to lockdown is doing far better than many countries which did.

That alone should convince that the lockdowns were not necessary.

Covid and the lockdowns may well be the greatest fraud in history. A fraud used for nothing more than political gain by unscrupulous politicians.

Covid was declassified as a high consequence infectious disease way back in March 2020 by the British government themselves!

So why did Boris Johnson immediately put the entire country into a lockdown a few days later? 

A lockdown that is now generally accepted to have served no purpose than to send the UK into further debt.

Meanwhile over in America President Trump was saying that Covid is no worse than influenza and that masks were largely a waste of time...

The scaredemic is ending as more and more people have begun to realise that it was little more than a case of smoke and mirrors.

For what ultimate ends has the western world been shooting itself in the foot for the past 10 months?

Well, that we shall see. No doubt when or even if they manage to get creepy, sinister Joe finally wheeled up into the White House.


An excellent synopsis. Sinister Joe is absolutely on-target.
The Idiots that voted (D)...

Happy Listening!