Small Footprint (compact) amp to power speakers?

Hi all:

Looking for a small integrated amp to power a pair of Onix RS450 speakers.  Probably need 50W, at least.   I'll only be using it to stream to via Chromecast Audio.  

I've looked at the AudioEngine N22 but it doesn't have enough power. Even the NAD 3020 might not be enough.  Planning to spend under $500 used/new.  

Any suggestions?  I don't see many "compact" amps out there.  

The 2 suggestions above (Rega Brio and PS Audio Sprout) are both good options.  You could also look for a preowned Bel Canto C5i, but it would likely be in the $800 range price wise.
I would search for a "desktop" integrated amplifier. You'll find some great options from Marantz, Peachtree, etc. that may fall into your price range if you buy used.