McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
I’m constantly amazed by the amount of single digit "fuser" posters that come on and cut loose.
BTW admin have also noticed this, and are watching.


What are you talking about George? What is a Fuser? AND who cut loose WHAT?

Does admin have the huge dark eyes, about 3-4 ft tall, Gray, no hair, no cloths? That ADMIN?

Just kiddin’, you and your fuse bashing , never stops.. Never tried it, but it never stops..

I wish you a good holiday, in any case... They have a Christmas tree down under?

You guy’s ever get the water to go down the drain the right way yet? Just wondering, I know that was an issue. Come to think of it maybe ours is backwards. I think it is.. :-)

We do agree on NO Yoko Ono, right? Fine person, bad singer right, you don't think she's (GULP) a good singer do you?

I got a good deal on an upgraded fuse for my C220 preamp.  No difference I could hear, but it was worth the money for me to find out.  No regrets.
What is a Fuser? AND who cut loose WHAT?
Really? then......... "just kidding"

Does admin have the huge dark eyes, about 3-4 ft tall, Gray, no hair, no cloths? That ADMIN?
Countless threads they shut down, because of fuse shilling, and if you haven’t seen that then........... "just kidding"

Just kiddin’, you and your fuse bashing , never stops
It’s a product for the gullible, to fleece them of their money. And if you can’t see that then..... "just kidding"

You guy’s ever get the water to go down the drain the right way yet? Just wondering, I know that was an issue. Come to think of it maybe ours is backwards
You got that right at least........"just kidding
Once again; No one can possibly know whether fuses will make a difference, in their system and room, with their media and to their ears, without trying them for themselves.     Some companies offer a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, so- those that are actually interested, have absolutely nothing to lose.     Anyone that knows anything about the sciences, realizes that something like 96% of what makes up this universe, remains a mystery.     For centuries; humanity’s seen, heard, felt and otherwise witnessed phenomena, that none of the best minds could explain, UNTIL they developed a science or measurement, that could explain it.     The Naysayer Church wants you to trust their antiquated science (1800’s electrical theory) and faith-based, religious doctrine, BLINDLY ("Trust ME!", is their credo).     Theories have never proven or disproven anything.     It’s testing and experimentation that proves or disproves theories.     IF you’re interested in improving your system’s presentation, have a shred of confidence in your capacity for perceiving reality and trust your own senses: try a better fuse, FOR YOURSELF.                                                                                                            The Naysayer Church HATES it, when THAT happens!