Emm Labs CDSD transport and other DACs.

Has anybody tried the CDSD transport and any other DAC's than the DAC 6 or DCC2? I'd be curious as to the results.

David Shapiro
Hi David,

I recently became an EMM Labs dealer, and if I get the chance I'll play around with several combinations. I can understand your curiosity - here's this killer transport, what else can we do with it? I may have the chance to try it with a nice but discontinued Accuphase DAC some time in the next few weeks.

I've talked with people who've used the DCC2 with a hard drive. Apparently a certain professional $600 ballpark sound card is needed - that's quite expensive for a sound card, but to put things in perspective that's barely the cost of a decent pair of interconnects, right?? Anyway, from what I've been told it works great, but still doesn't sound as good as using the CDSD. I hope to try that also, but it'll have to wait until after CES.

I have tried the DCC2 with a couple of different inexepensive DVD players as transports, and for someone unable to purchase the CDSD at the same time that would make a lot of sense.

Hi Duke,
That would be great if you could post your impressions, after you get a chance to try this out. As I said, I think taht we will be heading this way, after the high-def media war is over and there is a clear winner. There will also be tussling over the best and most economical storage software, but in the end, we will be the winners. I sure have no plans to invest in any other playback devices in the near future.
