Question about Teddy Pardo PSU for my DAC

I'm considering one of his outboard power supplies as an upgrade to my DAC, but after looking at the website, and reading a review, I am not at all clear as to how this interfaces with the DAC and the wall outlet. Are there any members using one of these who could enlighten me? I am currently using an Audio Note Kits 2.1 DAC.
Doesn’t your ANK have a power supply with tube rectification and regulation? Would an external PS be an upgrade over the stock PS? 

I have an upgraded PS in my AN preamp and it’s inside the box.

Yes, of course it does but this is supposed to be an audible improvement. It's a different sort of low noise power supply.
The Teddy Pardo power supplies are really meant to replace external "wall-wart" switching power adapters.  In your case, the Audio Note 2.1 DAC has a really good and beefy power supply built into the DAC case itself.  I'm not convinced that a Teddy Pardo will do better in this situation.  If you really wanted to use Teddy Pardo, you would likely have to physically remove the Audio Note internal power supply from the DAC.  Then chop the Teddy Pardo DC cord and wire it directly into the DAC board itself.