Those speakers are no better then yours. They will just be a little different is all.
Sure, maybe one blends with your room or DAC a bit better here or there but maybe not also.
Very little real world consequence to be had with that list of speakers. All good speakers, all great companies. Little different price targets but pretty close stuff. The winner will go to whoever is running the best source in the best room.
Sorry don’t mean to bum you out but it’s true.
Those Focal’s are good speakers. None you listed are great. All are really good though. The Magico’s will be more dynamic and transparent but a bit constipated. The Rocky’s will chill, very nice but a little laid back with my mind on my money and money on my mind. Yes the Focal’s are a little hot up top but nothing a little intelligent rig matching can’t solve.
I would save your money until you can buy a speaker that is better enough to actually matter.
Now if you want change for the sake of change then that’s cool. Been there and will be there again I’m sure. That’s part of the gig so no worries there. There will be times when you spend quite a bit more $$ and go backwards in SQ as well but that’s all part of the fun.
I would save a few more bucks and look for a used pair of Scala Evo’s or M Series Magico’s or Avior II’s. Then you can get your Sox knocked off rather then squinting and saying I can hear it I think? Yes or no or I think?