Rockport Atria II or Magico A5

I'm considering a change from my Focal Kanta 3s and will be auditioning Rockport Atria IIs and Magico A5s soon.  I've heard the Rockports and Magico S3 IIs together,  but not the A5s. Rockports more than held their own.   

Looking for opinions as to how either the Atrias or A5s would pair with my D'Agostino Progression Integrated and M Scaler/Dave   

My space is 15x21x14 ft and I stream Roon almost exclusively.   

My musical tastes are varied - classical, opera, jazz/blues, classic rock, indie  

I listen at moderate volumes and value clear separation between voices, but with a "coherent" sound overall if that makes sense.  This is what the Rockports seemed to achieve moreso than the Magico as I recall.  

Thanks and stay safe.  

Sorry for posting all of the videos in this post, but yesterday I had 3 people from this thread ask for more A5 videos. Rather than post the videos here if anyone is interested please go to The last four videos are the A5s with the Pilium Elektra DAC and Leonidas integrated streaming with the Taiko Audio Extreme server.

I will bow out now, let’s see some Pearl or Rockport videos:)
Bob, I auditioned Magico and Rockport speakers, I dont recall which models.

I preferred and purchased Rockport, the Cygnus to be exact.

Take care,
Magicos are great speakers but Rockport makes a highly musical and real sounding speaker.
every model is great. There is really no reason not to buy used for half,
Those speakers are no better then yours. They will just be a little different is all.
Sure, maybe one blends with your room or DAC a bit better here or there but maybe not also.

Very little real world consequence to be had with that list of speakers. All good speakers, all great companies. Little different price targets but pretty close stuff. The winner will go to whoever is running the best source in the best room.

Sorry don’t mean to bum you out but it’s true.

Those Focal’s are good speakers. None you listed are great. All are really good though. The Magico’s will be more dynamic and transparent but a bit constipated. The Rocky’s will chill, very nice but a little laid back with my mind on my money and money on my mind. Yes the Focal’s are a little hot up top but nothing a little intelligent rig matching can’t solve. 
I would save your money until you can buy a speaker that is better enough to actually matter.

Now if you want change for the sake of change then that’s cool. Been there and will be there again I’m sure. That’s part of the gig so no worries there. There will be times when you spend quite a bit more $$ and go backwards in SQ as well but that’s all part of the fun. 

I would save a few more bucks and look for a used pair of Scala Evo’s or M Series Magico’s or Avior II’s. Then you can get your Sox knocked off rather then squinting and saying I can hear it I think? Yes or no or I think?