Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Initial chills of anticipation will give way to the warmth of what I call cognitive calm. In other words, the sound is so balanced, and very much akin to how music is experienced live, that a real subconcious relaxation envelops where you're not picking the sound apart, just allowing it to wash over you. This I really believe to be due to a lack of musical energy being degraded by traditional xover, and the FRDs providing over 90% of the musical spectrum in an entirely holistic manner. The spell is completed by a really sweetly performing high end and foundation gripping low end. But don't feel that talk of calm and relaxation means a laid back or boring sound, no nothing of the sort. The 4s possess uncanny rhythmic and dynamic grip ie one can relax into the music and have edge of your seat excitement, all at the same time.
I often find compliments from non-audiophiles most instructive of all: my best friend's GF, an avowed non believer in spending any money on a system, listened to an average lp pressing of some Elvis, and excitedly stated she couldn't locate where the music was coming from, she'd never experienced such transparency in listening to music before. Nuff said. Quite an achievement. Thank God I'm never likely to be afford the Dominance, if I did I might never leave the apartment! The other component in my system that is demonstrating this total lack of strain is my direct rim drive tt/linear tracking arm, so devoid of jarring analogue artifacts it's unreal.
So Warren, I just KNOW you are going to be so happy with these. You'll never feel the need to move beyond them.
Happy New Year Warrenh,
I am on my second set of DEf 4's and I can tell you that the first set with 850 hours were still getting smoother and faster, top to bottom, when they went to live with another family. The second set now have over 1000 hours. The highs seem to have settled down around 650 hours. (I do have different caps for the tweeters on this set). The mids were pretty much cooked at the 850-900 mark.
The subwoofers seem to be getting better still at 1000+ hours. I know some will call me nuts but the bass is still getting tighter, faster and fuller. Ray Brown's bass on Summerwind D2D and Soular Energy is a great test. Texture and three dimensional bass notes are becoming addictive. Never really heard bass like this before in my room. Thanks Sean!
Soular Energy, Ray Brown. Wonderful to hear what a 4 string acoustic instrument can do. One of my favorite Ray Brown albums.
Does anyone know what the power rating for the Def 4 subwoofer amp is rated at?
I don't see this information listed anywhere.