Rockport Atria II or Magico A5

I'm considering a change from my Focal Kanta 3s and will be auditioning Rockport Atria IIs and Magico A5s soon.  I've heard the Rockports and Magico S3 IIs together,  but not the A5s. Rockports more than held their own.   

Looking for opinions as to how either the Atrias or A5s would pair with my D'Agostino Progression Integrated and M Scaler/Dave   

My space is 15x21x14 ft and I stream Roon almost exclusively.   

My musical tastes are varied - classical, opera, jazz/blues, classic rock, indie  

I listen at moderate volumes and value clear separation between voices, but with a "coherent" sound overall if that makes sense.  This is what the Rockports seemed to achieve moreso than the Magico as I recall.  

Thanks and stay safe.  

If you're serious, you really need to buy both so you can A/B them for a couple of months to insure break-in...sure, this requires a decent hand truck and good audio memory,  but it can be made easier by installing a set of dual small guage rail tracks maybe bought from a film production gear company. This is the only way to decide between these speakers...utterly worth it.
I am willing to bet that none of you actually heard the A5.
If there were any reservations regarding Magico, the A5 addressed them all. And at an unbelievable price point.
I asked this question on another forum and was immediately I will put on my flame suit and ask it here...How much power is required to truly drive the new A5's? IOW, for those with SET's or low powered amps...say below 50 watts/ch, are they a non-starter?
Pass would be a great amp 350.8 350ch the speakers need at least 250 watts i am a Magico owner on my 3rd pair.Tube amp should be at least 150 watts channel Set amps will not work well on Magico.If ypu have Set amp look at Horning speakers as i do not like horns.Good luck!
I would not use any tube amps under say 90watts P/P.   I would not use any SET, even a powerful 50 Watt SET amp.

My Jadis 90 Watt PP I-88 integrated lights up the A5s in a fairly large space.

I think a good quality 100 Watt SS or 90 Watt PP tube amp, DEPENDING on the size of the room and how loud one listens, would be sufficient for most listeners in regular size rooms.

I probably prefer 200 Watt SS into 8 ohms, 400 Watts into 4 ohms.  They sound REALLY GOOD with this type of power.

No doubt they DO respond to GOOD power.