Arcam, Musical Fidelity questions...

So I need a CD player, mostly just concerned with good redbook CD playback. Mostly rock with jazz on occasion. I had narrowed it down to the Arcam FMJ CD36 or the Musical Fidelity A5, but as I've been doing research the thing that keeps sticking out to me is the Arcam FMJ CD23T with the ring dac.

So my question to anyone with experience with these players (or other suggestions for players I'm not looking at) in the mid price range (trying to stay around $2K). First do like the Arcam CD23 better than the CD36/33 and then how do you compare it to the Musical Fidelity A5. I realize this is subjective but would appreciate any opinions you'd like to give.

Thanks in advance for your input.
You might look at the Sim Audio Equinox for $2200 new or the Ayre CX-7 used. I have not heard the Arcam models you mention so no comment. I did hear the MF A5 and thought the Sim and Arye models mentioned above are better. You should be able to get in home auditions on any of the players mentioned except the Ayre (being in the used price range). Listen to all of them and buy the one that you like the best in your system.

Good luck.
I have auditioned the A5 and the Arcam FMJ 33 and really perfered the 33 but they were set up with different support pieces. I found it a little more musical and with slightly more depth to the soundstage. They were both very impressive but I did end up taking the 33 home. I have not experienced the 23 but I am completely pleased with the 33.
I heard the A5 out of the box and although it was very impressive I didn't have one of those out of body experiences. However a few weeks later after is had 200+ hours on it, it was the best I have ever heard. I would seriously audition it and and definitely make sure it has had proper break in time. It out "analogued" my resident Lector CDP 7T