Here’s something interesting, they gone all out could be a good sign, it uses a clock that is battery powered, must be rechargeable with it own charging system..
- Thorough noise countermeasures improve clock accuracy and reduce jitter.
"Battery Driven Clock Generator & Low Jitter"
"Battery Driven Clock Generator" is used for the power supply of the clock circuit to improve the accuracy of the clock, which is the standard of operation in a full digital amplifier. By using a battery as the power supply for the clock circuit, the adverse effects of power supply noise on the clock circuit have been eliminated, enabling highly clear sound image localization and clear spatial expression. Moreover, the clock itself has adopted a low phase noise type, and has been thoroughly improved in accuracy.
It also has balanced input for the phono stage, for the T/T lovers
And it can be used as a Pre-amp only or Power-amp only, or Integrated
And the dac has 6 digital inputs in 3 different configurations, using the (Asahi Kasei Electronics) aka AKM top D to A converter
This is a real "Swiss Army Knife" of Integrated Amplifiers
Cheers George