What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1

I am looking for a tube amp for Harbeth 40.1.  I know many suggest SS amp such as Accuphase, Luxman, Hegel, McIntosh ... etc for Harbeth, but I decided to keep it with tube.  I also don’t think I need a lot of power.  I currently have a 8W custom built 300B and had a 18W Almarro 318B, and to me, they sound fine.  However, I think more power will help, and I never know what I missed until I try it out.  Having said that, I don’t think I need crazy power.  Anything 30-80W is good enough for me.  I am 3m away from the speakers, listen to Jazz at avg 83dB.

i have the following short list:
1) PrimaLuna Evo 400 integrated
2) Leben CS600X 
3) Linear Tube Audio Z40

Which one do people like with Harbeth?  Any other suggestion?

Among all qualities, I value holographic presentation the most.  I really like the feeling as if the singer is floating in front of me, if you know what I mean.  And my current 300B do pretty well in this regards, and I read this is what SET amps are good at.  Will I be disappointed with the above?
The Harbeth 40.2, the Annie, and 40.3XD have slightly higher sensitivity than the 40.1, 86db vs. 84db, but those newer models have a much higher impedance curve. The curve on the 40.2 stays above 8 ohms throughout almost the entire frequency range even staying around 10-12 ohms which should make it an easier load to drive.  That's why tubes above 50 watts sound glorious. 
Just to give an update, after replying on 10/10, I acquired a 200W Sony TA-N77ES.  I need to take back my words.  Among the 8W 300B tube amp, 75W McIntosh 275, and this 200W Sony, I like Sony the most.  After listening for the Sony for a while, then switch to the 300B, some of them sounds good, but I feel something is lacking for many songs.  The 75W McIntosh is better, but feel a bit slow.  The Sony gives more dynamic.  Yes, the vocal is not as sweet, but it is not bad.  Maybe the Sony TA-N77ES is a warm sounding SS.
I am doing more testing last night and swap the IC. I only have two pairs of ICs. One I always feel bright and harsh, has been used between the preamp and power amp. I swapped it last night and it makes a HUGE difference to both MC275 and Adcom. But the improvement is bigger on MC275. For the 275, it becomes more musical and more airy. For the Adcom, it also sound more holographic, deeper sound stage, and less harsh.

Now, both sounds good, at least sound “right”. I need to do more listening. I still feel the SS is more dynamic. I feel I can hear more background instruments, while the 275 is more dominant by the vocal. I am also surprised how good the Adcom sound.

I just happened onto this thread and noticed the comments on the Adcom sound.

I may have stumbled onto something when I recently bought a current production Adcom 565SE. I have a tube pre amp and the sound can be quite remarkable with the Adcom. I was trying to understand why, I’ve put about 100 hours on it now, and the sound really is beyond what I was expecting. Non descript speakers too, relatively speaking. Infinity Primus P362(said to perform beyond their price point) while I wait for my Kefs to arrive.  I realize that Adcom doesn’t have the pedigree of the various boutique brands being talked about, but perhaps they still be at least somewhat competitive.

I should say I do have good cabling all around, and the midrange driver on the Infinitys is pretty good. I guess there really is something to be said for the tube pre/ss amp combination that some swear by in these forums.