Just received my new Dynaudio Contour 60i in walnut

Folks, just reporting in that out of the box these are just stellar, and I imagine they will only get better. Wonderful mids, smooth tweeters and gripping bass. Clarity is amazing. As an aside, I had doubts whether my little Naim SN3 could adequately drives these beasts, but I am very pleasantly surprised; the SN3 is punching well above its fighting weight! I am happy to field questions as I know several members have the big new Dyns on order or are considering them. Happy listening amigos.
@macnet427  The Contour 60i has an amazing soundstage and imaging.  Personally, I initially found them to be just a bit bright on the upper midrange and lower high frequency range.  After about 35 hours of run in time they became smoother.  What I have now done is place a room treatment panel between the speakers (on the wall, of course) and is 60 inches wide.   As well, I moved the speakers a little further out from the wall.  The front of the speaker is at 36" inches from the wall.  These "adjustments" made a good difference.  So, give them some run in time, be sure to treat the room properly, including first reflection points, and you will find them to be a wonderful set of speakers.  They really come alive if your amplifier has plenty of current to offer.  They sound good a lower levels, but give them some juice, and WOW!  Enjoy your new speakers.
@mammothguy54 Thanks for the info.  Patiently waiting for them to come in.  Ordered the matching center channel speaker too.  Running a Mark Levinson NO535H and it should sound awesome.  The only weak link left is the preamp.  Currently have a Marantz AV8805.  The next upgrade will be the preamp!
congrats, I liked the c60 for the 2 songs the shop manager let me listen to. I’m only a half hour away from the Dynaudio distribution warehouse and actually picked up a pair of audience 80’s there since I didn’t want to wait for the delivery lol.
Just upgraded to a Luxman L-509x. The Dyn Contour 60i speakers just love it. Break-in is probably a few hundred hours, but out of the box, I hear sonic improvements and qualities I didn't get out of my SN3. The SN3 is a great piece, just not with these speakers. Highly recommend the Luxman 509x.