Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Todd - sorry, I meant B. I find the SS solution to be a seamless integration between sub-bass and upper frequencies. There is also a little of A in there: It just sounds like bass, not like a subwoofer and therefore doesn't draw attention to itself. 
In a spare system in a smallish bedroom (my UHD video system, although it sounds quite good on music using my Panasonic 9000 playing files from the NAS), I use a Sumiko S.5 sub I got on close-out (with my old B&W P6s I own since 1997), which is a copy of a Rel T5 (Sumiko used to distribute Rel).  The sub works really well in the space (11x13 feet with a 10 foot ceiling).  I did try to get a Sumiko S.9  (which is a copy of a Rel T9) but I just missed out on the last one at the time.

Eventually, I know I'll have to replace the old Rels at some point.  Upstairs in my bonus room (basically a guest bedroom), I have a pair of GR Research N3s as mains and when my old Sunfire, Jr. sub started to go (I could have gotten it repaired for $200-300), I opted to upgrade the master bedroom (which is strictly HT with in ceiling speakers) to a Bic Acoustech PL-200 II.  I had two subs in the bedroom.  The KLH 10 inch 100W one someone gave me went and I moved an 80W 8 inch Dayton Audio sub upstairs to fill in the bottom end of the GR Research speakers.  It works well in that regard (not that the system sees tons of use).  At some point when I upgrade something, I'll move stuff around.

Very nice systems all around. Is your Pannasonic 9000 player the most current universal spinner?

Happy Listening!
Btw for those that like thiels. I find audeze lcd-xc to sound thiel-ish but in a headphone. Just throwing that out there.
Oh Boy!
found a pair of 3.7’s locally!! couple of blemishes. Drivers are ok.

compared to the 2.4’s, much more detailed I easily noticed it in the cymbals. The 3.7’s  sound so much more “open” and realistic. Bass is extended but is perfectly blended. Can’t point out bass or mid issues. In fact the entire sound is integrated beautifully. Imaging is about same as the 2.4’s easily well outside the speakers.
as is known, they are source dependent. Some sibilants like snare strikes or sibilants can be harsh but  I haven’t treated the room’s walls for that first reflection point.
Man. What an enjoyable listen.
i am having difficulty integrating my SVS sub tho’.
i need to fool with it more to get the crossover and phasing right.