what are your cartridge set up go to

What alignment tool are you using and has anyone used those forceps style tools that grip the connectors instead of basically squishing it ? 
I have a van den hul colbri ,it is outstanding ! I was asking about tools for set up etc .

With VdH Colibri it’s so easy to adjust on any protractor because the cantilever is open from the top view, just like Lyra on Feickert!

Only Feickert will give you 3 alignment method on ONE protractor. Even if you will change turntable or tonearm, or cartridge, you can still use only Feickert with any of them. 
I use the Feickert protractor.  Took me a while to understand how to really use it.  I'm satisfied with the results I get. 
I downloaded a template from Vinyl Engine that works pretty well.  I have a Lyra Skala on the end of a Jelco TK-850L.  The VTF get adjusted, then the cartridge is aligned against the template.  Then I listen, set the VTA and start the process again to verify VTF and alignment.  If it VFT or alignment has changed, or needs changing, The process repeats until everything is set and sounds "right."