Amp for Focal Scala Utopia

Hi all,

I have just acquired some Focal Scala Utopia speakers. I am going to need new amps to drive them as my mcintosh c2300 and mc275 will not cut the mustard I think.

Anyway - I was considering being a bit radical and trading everything in for a devialet. Any suggestions would be welcome.

I prefer a sound with lots of resolution but retaining musicality. I would like a faster sound than the mac and more detail. I really like a deep soundstage too.

Thanks in advance. I have 2 sources - a vpi classic with all the bits and a Benz lps. Digital is akurate ds.

Thank you
If the cost is not an object, I suggest to you to give a listen to the power amp Burmester 911 MK3 and preamp Burmester 088.
Lapierre ..Nice system I like your setup,try borrowing a SS amp like Pass labs,Boulder etc etc on those ribbons and then tell us what your thoughts are on the 275..just a suggestion.
Hi HR1 - I wish cost was no option. Unfortunately the Burmester gear is out of my budget! It does sound lovely though - heard it a couple of times.
When I had Focal utopias I ran Pass Labs,sounded amazing!You may have to rethink your pre amp as well.

I have found getting any new speaker means trying different combinations, it's the joys of this never ending hobby of ours. I would suggest first to start with trying to find other owners of the same product if possible speaker and see what road they have gone down. If all possible see if you can go for a listen, in the end it really is going to come down to what you flavour.

Enjoy and best of luck!