Purifi Class D: Junk?

So, from the previous thread about high-end class D the Purifi module was brought up. I decided to get a cheap example from VTV, a simple stereo unit with a single Purifi module and matching Hypex SMPS. Standard input buffer. I got it in yesterday. First impression wasn't what I was expecting: weak, congested dynamics is what stood out to me. I expected greater expression through my ProAc D30Rs. The other problems such as poor soundstage, thin / boring character, etc, I marked up to needing burn-in before evaluating. So it's been 24 hours, I would still expect to get at least the high control / damping of high end class D and dynamic power, but it's just not present.

Could it be an impedance mismatch? Other manufacturers selling the Purifi with their custom input buffers are reporting 47k Ohms. VTV doesn't say in the manual or on the site. I checked the Purifi data sheet which reports...2.2k Ohms on SE???? That can't be right?? That's absurdly low! Am I reading the right spec? My preamp has an output impedance of 230 Ohms. Can someone confirm that the stock Purifi has this ultra-low input impedance?
I am the top 3 in the list, ¡¡¡
Just retired general thoraxic surgeon,with 77 years old.And where are the other old people? Only alcohol,drugs,sex or ,,,
Thanks for all yours input and questions
I’m an old guy. And I have not had any alcohol, drugs or sex for awhile.....can I join?  Even top 10 would be fine.
ricevs: In further reading on this subject it appears that there is no “nickname” for the amp under discussion, it is THE name, as it is referred to that everywhere I’ve looked. You sir, are the one confused on this point. Why you conveniently left the actual name of the amp out is anyone’s guess.

In reading the test reports on this amp it is consistently rated very high, some calling it revolutionary or a game changer. Inaudible distortion and zero amp coloration of the sound, pretty much what most would consider a perfect amp to be. Clearly there’s more versions with higher power on the way.
He’s talking about the module that can be used in various amps, not a particular amp. 
Maybe I should have put "nickname" in quotes....I was just letting you know that the Purifi module and the Eigentakt module are one in the same. You notice the name of this thread.....does not say Eigentakt. No biggie.

What is important and that most don’t realize.....and I am repeating....is that the Purifi module is not perfect....it has a sound.....it does have a color....it does not have zero amp coloration.....nothing does. I modifiy the Purifi module and my mods allow much better sound.......I am not talking about a different input buffer, etc. I actually modify the module by changing the output coil, the caps to ground on the output and bypassing the main high voltage power supply with modified Wima caps. These mods do not change the circuit, nor any measurement worth noting. The Purifi module is not the Golden Goose, Golden Egg, silver bullet or whatever, just another step better than the NC500....the last Bruno circuit. There will be plenty of better circuits down the line....sorry guys....this is what is real. However, the Purifi module modded along with the whole amp modded will blow your mind. But next year, there will be something better.....as always. There is no "End Game" in audio......audio is infinite.