Devore Gibbon 88 v. PMC Twenty-23

I'm looking to upgrade speakers for a system in a second home and looking for some advice. I have a very small listening area - speakers only 6' apart and 8' from listening chair, can only get them at most 18" from back wall. Have been using inexpensive standmounts but interested in floorstanders with a small footprint (might as well put money into the actual speakers rather than the stands, for the same size footprint). I've auditioned the Gibbon 88s and really like them. Would like to also audition the PMCs but the nearest dealer is over three hours away so not sure if it's worth the trip. I guess I prefer speakers that are fast and detailed, with a decent bottom end, but I'm not really a bass-hog. Listen mostly to acoustic/electric guitar, blues, classic rock, jazz and vocals, in that order. System - Prima Luna Dialogue Premium integrated (KT-120 tubes), Music Hall 9.1 with Ortofon 2M black and Croft RIAA MM phono pre-amp, Audience 24e interconnects, Nordost Purple Flare speaker cables. Also using a Marantz SA8003 SACD player with AQ Sydney cables, although system is mostly for listening to vinyl. Appreciate your thoughts.
I haven't heard the Gibbon 88 but I own the Gibbon 9 (no longer made), and I can't say enough good things about them. They are fantastic with tubes or solid state. In one room, I had them only about 18 inches from the back wall and there was no problem, and I am usually very sensitive to room boundary interactions. My understanding is the 88s are designed to work well in smaller rooms. Based on reviews, I would suspect the PMCs might be more of the "fast and detailed" speakers, but I went from the very fast and detailed Verity Parsifals to the Devores and don't miss a thing.
Ladok - thanks for the input. I was really impressed with the Gibbon 88s, and listened to them close to the back wall and with partitions in place to sort of mirror the size of my listening room. I actually started out that listening session with the KEF LS50s because they've been so highly reviewed, but found them a little slow for my tastes. Switched to the Gibbon 3XLs (standmounts), also very highly reviewed, and found them just a little bright really. Then moved to the 88s, which have the identical tweeter but a larger woofer, and I think that combined with the cabinet size really made things fall into place. They are certainly fast and revealing enough for me, although I could tell they don't go really low. If I end up going with them I could always add a sub, which I already own (one of the smaller RELs). Still intrigued by the PMCs because I think they might have that additional bit of low end but I've never actually listened to a transmission line speaker and haven't found anyone whose heard them. They're really well-reviewed overseas (What Hi-Fi's Best in its price range two years in a row). Thanks again for the input, I really appreciate it.
That's why I went with the 9s, I felt the 8 (which I think was replaced by the 88) would have been a touch lean for my tastes. My understanding is the bass has been extended from the 8 to the 88s. You might want to actually look into finding a pair of used 9s, they would still work well in your room and I doubt if you'd want a subwoofer.
That's not a bad idea, looking for a pair of used 9s. The frequency range for the 88s is improved over the 8s, down to 33Hz, compared with 32Hz for the 9s, but it looks like the bass in the 9s is probably a higher quality due to the additional woofer. May still make the long trek to audition the PMCs; still hoping someone might be able to give me some feedback on those one way or the other, as they're definitely not as sensitive as the 88s.
Well that's another consideration. Not only are the Devores more sensitive, but they have a very benign, 8-ohm impedence and match well with tubes. I also use the Prima Luna Dialogue and it's a wonderful combination. And 33 hz ain't too shabby. Best wishes, let us know if you get to hear the PMCs.