What amplifiers/integrateds do you like with Cornwall IVs?

I sold my Forte IIIs and moved in Cornwall IVs.  I have 3 amps to play with, but because I'm doing break in and running them for long periods, I'm using a Class A Music Hall Mambo.  It sounds pretty sublime.   Later I'll try the 300B and PP KT150 integrated.  

What do folks like to pair Cornwall IVs with?  This Class A amp makes me think I should beg Santa for a Luxman Class A!
Um, two words-- "Classical Music!"  ---I hear it like never before.  These speakers could be a doorway to and place within the genre for me. 
OP, I know you just swapped but can you pick a winner between the PL and the class A on the CW4? Seems like you really liked both. 
@kren0006,  the PL wins hands down. BUT (and it's a big but) the Class A Mambo sounded just lovely with them.  Very clear, nice drive, plenty of detail and very musical.  The PL just had more timbre to instruments, bigger sound, and larger soundstage.  
jbhiller - seems like you’ve got yourself a few winners there! I’m not surprised the PL lit them up, but the SS Mambo is a definite bonus 👍