New Synergistic Research Record Mat

  Just wondering if anyone has tried the new Synergistic Research record mat and if so what your impressions were sound wise.
If it's "all around us", then putting a tiny crystal on top of a cartridge is like pissing in the wind, if you will pardon my colorful language.  The question is, as I stated already, can a tiny crystal reverse the piezo-electric effect, which as you probably know is the property of a crystal when placed under pressure to emit an electrical field akin to RFI.  I have done a literature search, and there is not much evidence to support the notion that a crystal can also absorb RFI and turn it into heat, or whatever SR would have us believe it does with the RFI, but I am not in a position to say categorically that such a transduction of energy is not possible.  Despite my theoretical and I hope scientific questions about the PHT, I don't deny that some folks like them, and I am not about to say that such persons are delusional. No one in my personal experience who has tried them was converted to PHT-ism.
Absorption of RFI/EMI has nothing to do with piezo-electrics.    Were one to actually read the references I posted; the posed questions would be addressed.      Of course; comprehension is key!
@cerrot-     Looking forward to your review/experience, one way or the other.      
I am guilty of not reading your citation.  I did goof in a way by saying that the piezoelectric effect in a crystal results in release of RFI; it is the release of electric charge by a crystal under pressure, or applied mechanical stress. I apologize for that error.  But it's only a small boo-boo because the electrical energy released by a piezo material can be of very high frequency, e.g., up to 1 MHz. That's RFI territory.  I wrote not one word about EMI, by the way.
I like that paper from 2016.  That would support the utility of a crystal in this application.