I assume the OP was taking room size into account, when was a 12x13 mentioned? Of course, if the intended listening room is not adequate, I wouldn't recommend taking them, but is there any reason they couldn't be used in a "second system"? I have found that two(or more) systems are better than one! I like to have a "small sound system" (Quad ESL63,Spectral DMA50/DMC6,RegaPlanet,WellTempered) for voice & jazz in my living room, and a "big sound system" (KEF 107/2,LuxmanB12s&M12,ARC-SP9,SonyXA9000ES,SOTA Star)set up in my basement. If you have the room, I really think it's easier to optimize a couple of systems for specific use, rather than trying to make one that can "do it all". I think, room permitting, a pair of LaScalas could be an excellent base for a "power Jazz & big sound/dynamics" alternative system to compliment the Lores.
...just food for thought.
...just food for thought.