Tekton Electron SE

I had a pair of Tekton Double Impacts that I sold when I moved to a smaller home. After a year of evaluating various smaller speakers I decided to go back to Tekton but with the more compact Electron SE. In my room these speakers work perfectly. The bass on these smaller speakers is unbelievably deep and tight. I miss none of the punch from the bigger Double Impacts. On mine's I used a single Beryllium tweeter on the middle of the array. The tops on these are very extended and crisp clear more so than the DBs. The imaging and sweet-spot is electrostatic-like with excellent ability to present the faintest details in a recording. In my appreciation other than the ability to convey a "bigger" bass the Electrons have a more refined sound and the bass in my room is more than sufficient with a tighter presntation than that of the DB's. Feel free to send questions if you have any.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwisty

What the hell....an innocuous post inquiring about a specific speaker model turns into a vitriol diatribe filled with useless information. Talk about polarization.

It would have been nice if someone with experiences about that particular speaker posted useful information about the speaker being inquired about to inform you about their experiences. Which, BTW, forums were meant to be sources of helpful information for people like you. To share ideas and experiences with one another is a marvel thing.

Forget the inquiry...and don’t give a r@@@@7777$$$$$$ @$$$$$ about what others think when subjects like this go down the rabbit hole. It’s all on you, ask for a dealer or home trial. Go to specific manufacture forums and enjoy the presence of like minded individuals. Also, you may just want to direct message folks for further communication to eliminate the chatter. 
I think Dan Akroyd said it nicely, “Just the facts mamm” in the Blues Brothers. 
I am being cynical today, but it’s unfortunate that we will probably lose enthusiasm for forums like this until all that remain are some crusty old farts and supposed highly intellectual and educated people who have PHD’s in character attacks. I am old and crusty too, higher level education, disabled war veteran, but WTFO!

Hope you get the information you are looking for. For what it’s worth, Tekton speakers seem like a good brand and their top speaker was once was on my radar but I opted for something custom made from Classic Audio Loudspeakers. Good luck and I truly mean that coming from a real person, not an elitist. 
I've been eyeballing some Electron SEs myself. Would a Musical Fidelity M2si have enough for them?
What happens if a person who has, let's say, $30 000 speakers buys Tekton for his beach house and then realizes they are not anywhere close to the expensive pair? He reports it here and what then? Is he an elitist, Tekton-hater, deaf, not paid attention to synergy? Or he is the person with more experience and "right" to compare than most in this thread?
In that case we would say he is hypothetical.

I’ve been eyeballing some Electron SEs myself. Would a Musical Fidelity M2si have enough for them?
It’s easy...astute people can comprehend genuine feedback about products from those so inclined to report such findings. It’s so easy to decipher, identify and interpret behavioral traits in online conversations, you don’t need a PhD to understand...just common sense. To identify an elitist, one must understand what an elitist is: Elitist definition, (of a person or class of persons) considered superior by others or by themselves, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society: elitist country clubbers who have theirs and don't care about anybody else. 
If the shoe fits, wear it.