Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
One metal is hard which means it deforms little which means it can't deform to increase contact area and reduce resistance.

One metal is a bad conductor of electricity.

That metal in both cases is rhodium. Makes nice jewelry, terrible for anything electrical. If someone is claiming the superiority of Rhodium in a connector you can pretty much dismiss their view.

Rhodium is a pretty good conductor, audio2design.  It's used a lot in harsh high current environments. It's less expensive than gold but close in conductivity. The reason for the jewelry, the stuff doesn't tarnish, ay. I saw a LOT of Rhodium plated terminal ends in harsh environments, with high HIGH humidity, little or no issues.. Not subject to galvanization and a great corrosion inhibitor.

It does have a definite sonic signature, close to the old nickel / lead / tin, RCAs.

A lot of the industrial DC fuses use Rhodium, SS, and Nickel, for the outside of breakers or fuses. Inside, 12VDC is copper, 24VDC, is silver for contacts. Has been for 50 + years...

Actually, rhodium has a much less conductivity than gold.  However, I think that it's superior for analog circuits.  Silver has the highest conductivity but, in my opinion, presents its problems.  I did read once somewhere that silver does not have any natural dampening for electrical resonance - this may be why it is described as bright/harsh.  As far as high frequency response, I think rhodium has a better and more extended high frequency response in the analog spectrum.  Much better than gold (which is warm sounding and rolls off highs).
Like I said rhodium is a good conductor, not a bad one. Right below aluminum. We're not talking about the signal path. Quite different we're talking about the PS fuse, not a fuse in the speaker or in the path..

Look at lead, you know what every battery in every car that uses a starter...is made of.. LEAD.. again pretty darn conductive..

A better conductor doesn't mean a better sound, though it can... I use pure silver, you want it brighter, silver clad over copper.. Again is has a signature, but not for everyone.. 

Gold like rhodium is used for corrosion, more than anything..

Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What have you guys been smoking.

Look at the thousands of components that make up audio equipment, all their legs are made from steel, no gold/silver/rhodium etc etc. Just plain old steel!!!!!!!!
Next we have some snake oil company gold plating capacitor legs for the gullible and charging $1000 each.

Stop boosting this yet again "fuser" thread and let it die it’s rightful death.

Cheers George