The thing to remember about amp power and volume is that the wattage is a logarithmic relationship to loudness, not linear. Each 3 dB increase in volume level requires double the power.
In my case, if 2 watts average = 85 dB, going to 95 dB would need more ln the neighborhood of 20 watts, perhaps a bit more. And you still need some extra for dynamic peaks. You might be asking for for close to full power from the Aegir with little room left for peaks. I just don't listen that loud.
There is also the issue that speaker impedance is not a single number across the board. The resistance varies with frequency and some speakers are more difficult to drive than others. And, there are multiple ways to measure speaker efficiency, so sometimes a manufacturer's numbers are a bit optimistic.
However, all you can do is try. You might also consider running two Aegirs as monoblocks. You get 80 watts a channel into 8 ohms that way, but you'd need a preamp with balanced output for that to work. Schiit does offer a 15 day money-back trial period (less 5% restocking fee and return shipping costs) so you do have that option if you want to experiment.