Speaker upgrade

I would like to hear thoughts on upgrading my speakers. I am very happy with my current system, but am thinking of upgrading the speakers. Not made up my mind yet, but very close. I have changed my gears recently and deciding whether to keep my current speakers or try different.
I currently have Aerial acoustics 7T, with 2 REL S5/SHOs. Aerial acoustics 7T are one hell of a speaker, and I never thought I will change them: they are very neutral and transparent, which plays exactly what you feed them. I still think they are excellent and In fact, on many forums, I have constantly bragged about them and still do, for good reasons. But I guess, time has come to change. Looking for speakers with better resolution, big soundstage, organic and sweet mids. If I can get more of everything my 7T does, it will be a jackpot. Budget is < 35K (used OK).
I have thought of Magico S5 MK2, Vimberg Tonda, Marten Mingus, Rockport Avior II. Others include Von Shweikert VR55 and Vivid Audio Giya G1. Hard to audition all, but have heard S5 Mk2 and Rockport Avior II which are close top.
My other systems include, AF strumento no. 4 mk2 amps, VAC renaissance mk V pre-amp fed by Luxman D-10x (DAC/SACD player) and Antipodes CX/S30 (server/streamer). I use roon mostly and listen vocals, Jazz, classical, Indie Rock, contemporary instrumental and the likes. Room size is 17 x 14 and height is 10 feet. I have already done all room acoustics. Cables are Silversmith Fideliums (never going to change that) and Shunyata anaconda/python, TQ black diamond and AQ Hurricane.
I am also looking for a speaker upgrade in the $35k to $60k range.  The VS VR55 requires more power but I've heard the Ultra series and it duplicates the needs for me.  It has the widest listening area of all of the speakers listed and recreates the recording environment exactly.  They are not flat at the highs but are easy to listen to for hours.   If I keep my amps, I would buy the VR9SE mkII or E5 (which I have not heard).  The VS are easier to place in a room as well and get great sound.

The Magicos turn me off after auditioning a dozen+ over 18 times.  No emotional attachment.  The Wilsons sound large and I recommend their smaller speakers over their larger ones (I don't like their large speakers).  I found the Rockports a little soft but lovely just as I do Sonus Fabers.  Tidal speakers sound wonderful just like Magnapans for vocals and jazz but not rock and orchestral works when I've heard them.  I suspect the Vimberg's are similar.  The reviews of the Tekton indicate that they are more like giant headphones, excellent for the central listener, totally opposite the VS speakers approach (and not as sophisticated-but at an inexpensive price).  I haven't heard the Joseph Pearls or Vandersteens.  Some say the Evolution Acoustics are similar to VS speakers at half the price.  

My listening room was custom engineered with built in bass traps and has ample mid and high acoustic treatment.  My current Legacy Focus speakers improved 100% in this room compared to my previous, not shabby room.  Another speaker I like at lot, easy to drive and like VS is the Lumenwhites, similar price range (3 models).  I've heard Marten speakers and they are also very good but I don't know if I would want to live with them.  Plus, the VS drivers are among the most durable ceramic type.  

Based on your desire for "organic and sweet mids" and the type of music you're listening to I would explore the Egglestonworks and in particular the Andra model. I admit I have not heard them other than listening online which is certainly not effective. However, they are known for their very natural mid-range. Perhaps other Andra owners could chime in. Here's a link.....

@fleschler VS VR55 and ultra 55 are ultimate end game speakers if you can afford them. I am thinking of keeping budget little low < 25K. Will wait for some deals on VS VR 55 or ultra in next few years. Also they need bigger room to really shine.
@falconquest eggleston works are well known for being organic and musical. Not sure about andra but Viginiti have lot of rave reviews. Not heard them though.
I am now close to make some decisions. Will audition few speakers this weekend, but MA PL500II has lot of speaker for money. Have heard them a while back and no dealer near me has them to audition now. But I was wowed back then. If by this weekend, if none of speakers wows me as much, especially for the price difference, I will go with MA PL500II and wait for some deals on VS VR 55 or ultras.
Don’t mean to beat the proverbial dead dog, but seeing as you’re lowering your price limit I’ll mention there’s a rare pair of JA Pearl 3s available here now for $18,200.  Woof.  
Why are so many people promoting JA? These are off-the-shelf parts standard speaker designs. Which is fine, but it seems like a LOT of money for what is essentially premium DIY speakers.